SH4 2008/2009

Tuesday, February 17, 2009, 7:00 PM, SH Early Music
Small Hall of SP,

Solamente naturali

Miloš Valent, artistic leader / violin

P. Kristian Hirschmentzel (1698) Orpheus pro rusticus (Moravica, Alia illepida) Orpheus pro civibus (Alia phantasia, Bohemicus saltous) The division violin (1684) A Prelude (D. Mell), another Prelude (Balshar), A Division on John come kiss me (D. Mell, Balshar) for two violins (by J. Banister) A Division for two violins on a Ground by R. Smith Tabulatura miscellanea (Levoča, 17. century) Suite (Aria, Volta, Amor, Treza, Semitta) Runda laetum in cornum Chorea pollonica Chorea Kozacky Chorea Hungarica Rund Laetum et truncum A new Hornpipe (The Division violin) Johny Cock thy Beaver (A Scotch tune to a ground)

Francesco Geminiani Airs made into Sonatas Sonata III. for two violins and basss (The last time I came over the Moor)

Nicola Matteis The Scotch Humour

Henry Purcell Scotch Tune

Antonio Vivaldi Sinfonia Alla Rustica (Presto)

Giuseppe Tartini Canzone veneziana L´aria del Tasso Allegro Tasso, andante cantabile Urlana

Antonio Vivaldi Sinfonia Alla Rustica (Allegro) Selection from the collection of Anna Szirmay-Keczer, 1730 Selection from the collection Ungarese, Trnava, 18. Century Selection from the collection Saltous Hungarici, Trenčín, 18. Century